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A quote from Rumi states "your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all barriers within yourself that you have built against it".  I never truly understood this until I happened upon Sue-Ann MacCara, who, not really knowing a thing about me, systematically, and in very short order, held me safely as I removed each unconscious barrier against love I had stored up in my body. This work, in my view, the work of my lifetime, is so sacred and so critically important 
to living a life with love that your soul recognizes. I have tried many modalities over the years to get there, to free myself of the self defeating thoughts and behaviours that held me back from living in my truth. I couldn't see my own light.  That light within me, I discovered, is where my freedom lies, and where I now live. Being able to finally distinguish the voice of my heart from the voice of my mind is a quantum leap step for me. I have a fresh start, thanks to this insightful loving woman, Sue-Ann MacCara. I am fully connected to my purpose and filled with a sense of belonging.  How she managed to evoke in me such a deep glimpse into the meaning of my life, I will never know.  But she did, it has happened. She has a gift and she gave her gift to me.  We all have gifts. We just need to see and embrace them. If you haven't found yours, spend some time with Sue-Ann to ensure you are tapped into the meaning of your life and have the courage to fully live it.  I am living with my heart cracked wide open and am sharing it with the world.


Brenda Stoney

Liz Fieser, Oregon

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